R PR % PG Campus % Unit 4 Assignment – PUGS9 M SSIGNMENT DETAIL Course outcome(s) assessed in this unit: PU699-1: Demonstrate an evidence-based approach to public health practice. PU699-4: Implement leadership, administrative, and communication skills through planning. organization, administration, and evaluation of public health programs and processes. You will be asked to draft and send an e-mail to first year Public Health graduate students. The e-mail will provide a brief overview of your area of interest and include a short presentation that covers your area or interest –
- What is the issue?
- Why is it important?
- What are the possible solutions?
- How does the student see your rale in public health related to the issue / topic over the next several years?
In your email, you should introduce yourself and discuss your interests in relation to public health as well as introduce the subject matter contained in your presentation. Your presentation should build on the Unit 2 and Unit 3 Assignments. You will identify the health issue, health policy, and potential barriers and solutions. You will then cover your professional goals/objectives in relation to the health issue/health policy and describe how you plan to address any barriers or contribute to a solution. In the presentation you will also use speaker’s notes or the narrative function in Excel® to provide a fuller context for your discussion. Your presentation should be 8 to 10 slides in length. Submit your Assignment to the appropriate Dropbox.
For instructions on submitting your work, view the Dropbox Guide located under Academic Tools at the top of your unit page. Please be sure to review “APA Style Central” under Academic Tools to assist you with meeting APA expectations for citing and referencing sources. Grading rubrics for this Assignment are located in Course Resources. Q2L PLLCcBC N QuBCACEEE s @ ~ – o vaxn ote