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C.A.R.D.I.O. Method Assignment

  1. Read the C.A.R.D.I.O. Source Evaluation Worksheet on Canvas and the Website Evaluation Scoresheet on Canvas
  2. You are researching World War I. Read this article about All Quiet on the Western Front, a novel about World War I by Erich Maria Remarque: https:/
    • Who wrote the article (not the book the article is about) and what do you know about them?
    • How many points did this article score on the Website Evaluation Scoresheet?
    • What were the major ways in which this article succeeded, or failed, to prove its value? Answer should be at least}_sentehées.
    • Using the WES and the Hierarchy of Research Sources, should you use this source?
  3. You are researching indentured servitude. Read the record and skim this article about indentured servitude (for off-campus students, the EBSCOhost login is oklahomal and the password is rownorse1920!):
    • Using the C.A.R.D.I.O method what were the major ways in which this article succeeded, or failed, to prove its value? Answer should be at least 2 sentences. You should at least skim the i article; don’t just rely on the abstract.
    • Using C.A.R.D.I.O and the Hierarchy of Research Sources, should you use this source?
  4. You are researching Japanese internment in World War II. Look over this article about the Korematsu v. United States Supreme Court decision: http://law2 umkc edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/conl rematsuStory.html
    • Using the C.A.R.D.1.O method, what were the major ways in which this article succeeded, or failed, to prove its value? Answer should be at least 2 sentences.
    • Usmg C.A.R.D.I.O and the Hierarchy of Research Sources should you use this source?
  5. Assuming that all three sources above were relevant to an essay that you were writing, which of the three would be the best source to use for your research? Use the worksheet scores, the C.A.R.D.LO. method, and the Hierarchy of Research Sources to explain why. Answer should be at least 2 sentences.

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